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Quote from Lois in Christmas

Hal: Are you sure you wanna do this?
Lois: Yes! I don't know what I was thinking. Taking presents away from children?! What kind of a sick person does that?! Look, I just want to get everything out of the garage, set it up in the house and have a nice Christmas. You know what? Why don't we wake up the boys and have Christmas tonight? I can't wait to see the look on their sweet little faces.
[Lois and Hal walk into the shed and find the boys with their unwrapped presents and grafiti'd wall]
Lois: Well, Hal, that was smart of you to wake up the boys so they could help us carry in the presents.
Hal: Yes, yes. Well, come- come on hurry up, boys.
Malcolm: Yeah.
Reese: Sure.
Dewey: OK.

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