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Quote from Francis in Houseboat

Francis: Dude, where were you? If Spangler finds out you blew off drill practice, he's going to kill you.
Eric: I'm not afraid of Spangler any more.
Francis: Why aren't you in uniform?
Eric: I'm leavin'. I'm outta here. [removes nudey magazines]
Francis: You can't just leave.
Eric: Yes, I can. I just turned 18, I'm legally an adult and no-one can tell me what to do! I'm getting the hell outta here!
Francis: You're not gonna graduate?!
Eric: Nope, I'm going to Alaska. Francis, it's crazy up there. You can make $45 an hour working on oil rigs or logging camps and you don't even need a diploma.
Francis: Wait! $45 an hour?
Eric: That's with room and board. You work a couple of years and... mmm! You're set for life. [finds VHS tape] Somethin' to remember me by.

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