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Quote from Hal in Mini-Bike

Lois: Oh, my God. Hal, look at this. We still have a Christmas present for one of the boys. I wonder what it is.
Hal: Reese ever get that football jersey?
Lois: I can't remember.
Hal: Well, you know, honey, the boys got so much for Christmas last year, they don't even appreciate what they have. If we save it for his birthday, it'll be that much more special.
Lois: Hal, this one's for you.
Hal: [gasps] Oh, boy! [starts unwrapping] You did get me that DVD player I've been hoping for. I thought you forgot. To be honest with you, I've been holding a grudge for months. [giggles] Now I get to watch all those DVDs I've got hidden in the garage. Oh. Jumper cables. Thank you, honey.

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