Quote from Francis in Malcolm vs. Reese
Francis: You know, it doesn't pay as well as some other summer jobs, but I get the chance to mentor inner-city children. And how can you put a price on smiles? Carly: Oh, you're cute and sweet. Francis: You know, this is the first time I've gone out in six months. Carly: Then... we'll have to make this a night to remember, won't we? [When Francis notices something stuck to the sun visor, he pulls it down and reads a Post-It note that says "You will pay"] Francis: Amateurs. Carly: What? Francis: Oh, it's nothing. It's just a prank from... some of the kids at the center. You know, it's inspiring how they can laugh after all they've been through. [police siren wails] Oh, man! I wasn't speeding, was I? Carly: I don't think so.