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Quote from Hal in Malcolm vs. Reese

Lois: Okay, I'll say it. It was a really bad idea.
Hal: I'll tell you one thing I've never seen 50 cats run out of a place so fast.
Lois: Hal, how could this have happened? We've ruined Craig's life.
Hal: No, no, it is not our fault, Lois. At a certain point, we simply have to say to ourselves that Craig is just cursed.
Dewey: Dad, it's Jellybean!
Hal: Oh, my God! Oh, my God. Let me just grind up one of these sleeping pills. Won't take a minute. Keep him entertained. [Lois picks up the cat] Or we could just pick him up.
Dewey: Yay!
Hal: You see, Dewey, I told you everything would work out. [ceiling crashes]

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