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Quote from Craig in Malcolm vs. Reese

Malcolm: [to camera] Mom wasn't too thrilled about having to pick us up at the police station, but it was totally worth it. We don't have to serve Francis anymore. [to Craig] Here's your sandwich, Craig. Can I go to bed now?
Craig: Ooh, mayo on only one side?
Malcolm: It's a lot of mayo.
Craig: No one's saying it's not, but I specifically asked for it on both sides.
Malcolm: Craig...
Craig: Malcolm, I don't like this any more than you do, but it was your mom's idea. Since as long as I'm living here you have to do everything I say, I'll try to meet you halfway and make my orders as clear as possible, okay, champ?
Reese: Here, I heated it for ten seconds just like you said.
Craig: [puts finger in milk] It's still not quite room temperature. Look, I know I'm being demanding, but Jellybean's apartment was burned down, too.
Malcolm: [to camera] All right, it was almost worth it.

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