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Quote from Hal in Malcolm vs. Reese

Hal: Hey, don't worry, we'll find Jellybean.
Dewey: But I've been looking for hours.
Hal: Well, that's your first lesson, Dewey. Sometimes it takes a lot of time and hard work to accomplish something.
Dewey: But what if Jellybean's hurt? It's dark outside.
Hal: Let me tell you a little something about cats, all right? They're nocturnal creatures, which means they prefer the night. Then again, so do coyotes and feral dogs and devil worshippers. My point is that Jellybean is fine. He'll come home when he's good and ready. We're just going to put a little bowl of food out, and he'll come back.
Dewey: Are you sure?
Hal: Trust me, tomorrow morning, everything is going to be fine.

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