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Quote from Malcolm in Ida's Dance

Malcolm: You are not walking away from this, Dewey. You're going to help me beat this.
Dewey: I don't care. Fail your course.
Malcolm: I dropped that class last week.
Dewey: Then why are you bothering me?
Malcolm: Because you know music and I don't and that's not fair.
Dewey: It's totally fair. You just hate that you don't get to be better than everybody at everything all the time. Music's my only thing. [puts on headphones] And you know what? It's greater than everything you have put together, because it's about beauty and love and feeling, and not about proving what a creepy little genius you are to everybody, so excuse me. I'm going to appreciate music. It's all the sweeter because I know you can't. [Dewey screams as Malcolm turns the volume on the stereo all the way up]
Malcolm: Oh, my God. Dewey. Are you okay? I'm sorry.
Dewey: I'm deaf. I'm deaf. Oh, my God. Mom's gonna kill us!
Malcolm: Shut up. Calm down. [Dewey's ear is bleeding] I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Your hearing will probably come back in a while. Please, just don't say anything, okay? Let's just keep this quiet for a while. Do you understand? [Dewey punches Malcolm] Does a punch mean yes? [Dewey slaps Malcolm] Good.

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