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Quote from Malcolm in Butterflies

Norm: I overheard her on the phone saying she's sick of guys who play games. She says she just wants someone who's honest and straightforward.
Malcolm: That's great. I'm totally honest and straightforward.
Norm: Actually, you're more like blunt and aggressive. But that's okay. You just got to slow down, give yourself a chance. She spent 22 minutes and 18 seconds looking through Hallmark cards. She needs to be treated gently. Here's some stuff she likes. Movies, music, shampoo brands, paper towels... Uh, well, some of it's more useful than others, but learn it all. When the time's right, you can show her how much you have in common with her.
Malcolm: Thanks. This is great.
Lois: Who are you talking to?
Malcolm: Um, I was just singing. [sings] Thanks, this is great, As long as we're together, girl. Yeah. In my car.

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