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Quote from Lois in Lois' Sister

Susan: Look at you. Now you're a sleeping sailor. He can try on the rest of his new outfits later. You know, I really missed the boat not having kids. I got to admit, I envy you.
Lois: Is that why you're not taking my kidney?
Susan: What?
Lois: Your cell phone rang this morning. I answered it. It was your doctor, Susan. He told me everything. How could you tell him that I don't exist? How can you not even ask me for a kidney when I'm probably a perfect match? What kind of weird psychological issues are making you do this?
Susan: Who gave you the right to answer my cell phone?!
Lois: What is wrong with you?! If I give you one of my kidneys, you can live.
Susan: Well, that's the moment we've all been waiting for, isn't it? The almighty Lois now has the power to grant me life!
Hal: Don't mind me. Not staying. Just getting an innocent child out of the line of fire. Enjoy your chat. See? We're already gone. Good-bye.

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