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Quote from Otto in Hot Tub

Otto: Francis, I'm afraid I'm doing this on purpose.
Francis: What, hurting yourself?
Otto: I don't know. It doesn't seem like all of these things could be accidents. It's like there is some subconscious drive to punish myself for some unknown... [groans]
Francis: Otto, what does the name Manfred Schmidt mean to you?
Otto: I haven't thought about him for years. I'm... Oh, oh...
Francis: What?
Otto: Manfred Schmidt is Gretchen's fiancé. Well, he was, until I stole her.
Francis: You stole Gretchen?
Otto: He was my best friend, but I was in love with Gretchen, too. And on the day they were going to elope, I told Manfred that Gretchen had already gone and that she would meet him at the train station in Berlin.
Francis: Oh, Otto.
Otto: Poor Gretchen stood in the rain for hours, devastated. And then I came along and I comforted her, and, uh, one thing led to another thing, and, uh... Well, here we are, 25 years of perfect love... built on a lie.
Francis: Otto, this is obviously tearing you up inside. Why don't you just call this guy and apologize before you really end up hurting yourself?
Otto: Francis, I don't think I have the courage. Besides, now that I know what is behind it, maybe the problem will go away. [drinks from cup]
Francis: Those are thumb tacks.

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