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Quote from Francis in Christmas Trees

Piama: They're still at it?
Francis: Yeah. It's fascinating. I've had the same argument a million times with my mom. Right now she's gonna say, "Don't take that tone with me," and then he's gonna start screaming.
Gertie: [shouts in German]
Hans: [shouts in German]
Francis: Now the father figure tries to make peace.
Otto: [talks German]
Francis: And he gets his head chopped off.
Gertie: [shouts in German]
Francis: Oh, this is a good one. Jumping into someone else's argument to settle an old score.
Gretchen: [shouts in German] [overlapping arguing]
Francis: They're like a primitive version of my family. Take one step to your left.
Piama: Why? [Francis pushes Piama to the side before a vase smashes against the wall] Spooky.

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