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Quote from Hal in Kicked Out

Hal: Uh, your poster, it's distracting people from my poster, and mine was there first.
Patrick: So? It's not your tree.
Hal: Look, I-I'm sure that your dog Milton Is very sweet and you love him very much, but I'm looking for my son. An actual human being who's been missing for two days. Now don't you think finding a lost person is more important than finding a lost dog?
Patrick: I don't know your kid, but from the way my mom and dad talk, your whole family isn't worth as much as my dog.
Hal: You li- [chuckles] What's your name?
Patrick: Patrick.
Hal: Patrick. Let me tell you a little something about your dog. He's gone, see? Some other family has taken him in. And right now that family is pampering Milton in ways you never even dreamed of. So your dog already loves them a lot more than he ever loved you. And if you ever did get him back, oh, he would just resent you until he found some way to escape again. So, why don't you just take the poster down, okay?
Patrick: Take your poster down. Your kid's probably in a crack house.
Hal: [tears down poster] Ha!
Patrick: [tears down poster] Ha!
Hal: [tears down poster] Ha!
Patrick: [tears down poster] Ha!

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