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Quote from Craig in The Bots and the Bees

Craig: Hey, buddy.
Hal: Well, well. What do we have here?
Craig: The boy here says you could use some company.
Hal: No, I got my sons, we're bonding. [gears growl]
Craig: What the hell is that thing?
Hal: That thing is a little project we have been working on around here. A secret, deadly project.
Craig: Hal... why don't you turn off the machine and sit down? [chuckles]
Hal: Why don't you stop telling me what to do?
Craig: Why don't you sit down like I asked you to?
Hal: Look, fats... I don't want you around my house anymore.
Craig: Hey, you don't go to the fat thing, I won't go to the crazy thing.

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