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Quote from Malcolm in Charity

Reese: You wouldn't believe all the stuff they've got down there. Clothes, toys, comics. Yesterday a guy dropped off an old Nintendo, the Double Dragon 4 game.
Stevie: DD4?! The Sacred... Stone?
Reese: Yeah, why?
Stevie: I give you... $20... for it.
Malcolm: Money? I guess we could put it in the collection box.
Reese: This is great! The church is only charging $5 for it. This way we pick it up, Stevie the game he wants and the church gets an extra $10.
Malcolm: No, the church would get an extra $15.
Reese: Well, I think we deserve something for our trouble. Think of it this way. The church is getting three times the money they would have otherwise.
Malcolm: Yeah. We're makin' this work for everyone.

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