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Quote from Hal in Evacuation

Hal: Uh, excuse me. Excuse me. Listen, I-I was just wondering if there was something that I could do to help. Not that there's any real reason, of course. I'm just... looking to do my part.
Soldier: I think we got it pretty well covered, sir.
Hal: No, no, there must be something. I don't care if it's, if it's messy or trivial or even life-threatening...
Soldier: Sir, I'd appreciate it if you'd just return to your area.
Hal: Please, you have to find some way for me to be useful. I have got to ease these people's suffering. They have got to know that I am here for them. Is that pepper spray?
Soldier: I also have a whistle and I'm prepared to use that as well.

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