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Quote from Hal in Hal Quits

Hal: Fine! You want them to see me finish it, I'll finish it. I'll put a little bit here, huh? How about there? How about there?! And... Oh... oh... And... here... And...
Reese: Awesome!
Hal: I don't believe it. That's it. That's what was in my head.
Francis: [enters] I've had it! Everyone at that place are a bunch of slacker, lazy... [looks at painting] Oh, wow... Wow!
Lois: Hal, I am so proud of you.
Hal: I did it. I really did it.
Reese: What's that sound?
Malcolm: I don't know. It sounds like...
Hal: Look out! Paint-alanche! [screams]
Lois: Hal!
Hal: [muffled] I'm okay! I'm okay!

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