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Quote from Hal in Smunday

Terry: Wow, you have made a great deal here, Hal. Now, you just, uh, sign right there and she's all yours.
Hal: Yeah, you know, I been thinking I think maybe I got a little overexcited.
Terry: Aw, that's just the jitters. They'll be long gone when you're roaring home in your brand-new Porsche. Just sign.
Hal: No, I think maybe we should do this another time because I'm not feeling very well and my wife has the flu...
Terry: I'll tell you what. Let's throw in the new chrome turbo wheels and free car washes for a year. Just sign.
Hal: I can't.
Terry: But, Hal you put your initials by this number.
Hal: Sorry. Maybe some other time. [walks out]
Terry: Hal, will you do me one favor? One favor, now, I want you just to stick your head in the car one last time, okay? I want you to smell the leather, take another look at that console and tell me you don't want this car. Go ahead, do it. Come on. [Hal inhales] So what do you say?
Hal: [retches] I told you I was sick!

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