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Quote from Francis in Francis Escapes

Malcolm: Francis, what are you doing here?
Francis: I'm taking control of my own destiny. I'm just here to pick up Beebee and we're going to head off for Canada.
Malcolm: You're going to visit Grandma?
Francis: No, a different part of Canada. Someplace wild where people don't have to destroy love just 'cause they don't understand it.
Malcolm: You just ran away from school? Mom's really going to kill you now.
Francis: No, she won't because she won't know. Malcolm, you can't tell anybody. I'm placing my life in your hands here.
Malcolm: Did you roll around in something?
Francis: You'll get used to it. Look, I need you to get Beebee to come see me tonight, okay? Give her this. Let it air out for a while first. Try to get me some food, 'cause I haven't eaten in, like, 36 hours.
Malcolm: Francis, this sounds kind of drastic, even for you.
Francis: Malcolm, I do not have time for doubt! The die has been cast, my future is set.

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