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Quote from Reese in Hal Grieves

Malcolm: What the hell's all this?
Reese: Turns out Dad still has some grieving left to do.
Malcolm: I can't believe you. You lied to me and you totally took advantage of him.
Reese: I don't see it that way. They say money can't buy love but they're wrong. I'm actually starting to love Dad. Now I'm not saying somebody couldn't come along and outbid him, but right now, he's the front-runner.
Malcolm: You can't do this. This is wrong. You're giving all this back.
Reese: Who are you to question his process?
Malcolm: Reese, he's crazy.
Reese: Mom's crazy. But she's the kind of crazy where all she does is yell at us and punish. Now Dad's crazy in a way where he buys us an XBox 360. And you want to mess with that? You're just afraid of happiness, Malcolm.

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