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Quote from Lois in Malcolm's Money

Lois: Listen to yourself! You've gone insane!
Hal: That would be pretty convenient for you, wouldn't it? Well, you are not locking me away!
Dewey: I haven't trusted either of you since I was six!
Hal: All right, all right, let's just split it. Three ways, and we'll all be happy.
Dewey: I wouldn't say happy, but it's a start.
Lois: I have a better idea. We just stop this nonsense and give the money back to Malcolm.
Hal: Okay, you can have your pipes.
Lois: No, Hal, this isn't a bargaining tool. This money has turned us into animals. I'm going down to the bank tomorrow morning and getting a cashier's check in Malcolm's name. Then the three of us can slink away and forget that this whole thing ever happened.

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