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Quote from Lois in Army Buddy

Lois: [o.s.] Who's the lamebrain who left the trash cans in the middle of the driveway?!
Hal: Yes!
Lois: [enters] [groans] I hate these things.
Hal: Oh, honey, what happened?
Lois: I was standing at my cash register putting up these cute little butterfly decals, when suddenly, I got the most excruciating cramp in my leg. It was like that time Francis chomped down on me, only I couldn't turn the hose on it. You know, if they're going to fix one problem and just cause another, I don't want any part of them.
Hal: Why don't I get the foot bath ready?
Lois: It's my own damn fault for thinking there was a magic pill to give me my life back. I should have known it was too good to be true. You can't trust the banks. You can't trust your own kids. And you obviously cannot trust doctors. God, Hal, you're the only person I still have to believe in. I'm so happy I can still trust you.

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