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Quote from Hal in Army Buddy

Lois: Hal, what are you doing?
Hal: Saving our marriage!
Lois: What?!
Hal: I was- I was- I was trying to put your orthotics back together the way they were, but I... There's only so much I can take, Lois. At some point, a man has to take a stand.
Lois: What do you mean, put them back the way they were? Did you do something to my orthotics?
Hal: Yes, and I'd do it again.
Lois: Why?!
Hal: Because... Because I miss the old you. I missed the Lois who would come home racked with pain and tension and snarling like a rabid bobcat. That Lois needed me to make her feel better.
Lois: Oh, Hal.
Hal: So, now you know. Now you can go out and get new orthotics, and I'll just try to stay out of your way.

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