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Quote from Lois in Reese vs. Stevie

Lois: So, there I am, 13 years old, flat-chested as I can be, everyone around me is sprouting, and I'm feeling just horrible about myself. And why? No reason at all. I'm getting straight A's, I'm running the food drive, I'm all-county on the gymnastics team, and none of this means anything to me because I'm so fixated on my bustline. [sobs] And so like an idiot, I started stuffing my bra with toilet paper. Even after all these years, I remember every morning in the bathroom, shoving these things down my shirt and feeling like such an awkward, ugly, little girl. [Jamie knocks a box of tissues off the table] Thank you. Of course in second-period Spanish I had to sit next to the snooty Janice Montgomery with her tangerine nail polish, which I was dying to try, but of course she wouldn't let me because I had drugstore shoes.
Malcolm: [enters] Hey, Mom.
Lois: [holds up a pillowcase to her face] Look at these stains. You boys are in so much trouble. No more pillowcases for a month.
Reese: Okay.

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