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Quote from Hal in Burning Man

Malcolm: Who's stupid idea was it to come here, anyway?
Hal: I'm with you, Malcolm. We don't belong here. This place is full of freaks and weirdoes. And now your mother and Jamie are out there with them, doing God knows what. You're going to be okay, Malcolm, because you are just like me.
Malcolm: I am?
Hal: Well, sure. They say we're stubborn, they say we're closed-minded, but I say there's nothing closed-minded about shunning ideas that make you scared and uncomfortable.
Malcolm: Yeah.
Hal: And who cares if they say we're afraid of life? Life is scary. Life is things eating things. I say let everyone out there go ahead and eat each other. You and I we're gonna be in here together, safe and sound.
Malcolm: I've been a total idiot. I've got to get over myself. [exits]
Hal: Where are you going? Don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you, young man! [crowd cheers] [Hal screams as people surround the RV] Get off my property!

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