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Quote from Lois in Ida's Dance

Lois: Well, I finished. I almost gave up when I thought I burned the prunes. But then I fell into this rhythm, and I just lost track of time. The next thing you know, it's done. And it came out perfect. It was a lot of work, but you know something? It feels good. [a group of ladies wheel in another tart] What's that?
Gorga: That's the real tart.
Big Kathy: You kept screwing up. We just knew it would be easier for everyone if we just made it ourselves.
Lois: But I worked for days!
Big Kathy: I'm sorry. I know you'd rather be at the disco shaking your backside at a bunch of drug addicts.
Lois: You like St. Grotus's Day?! Huh?! You like tarts?! Well, what are we waiting for? Let's celebrate!
[Lois jumps up on the table and dances in the tarts. After a few moments of dancing, Lois looks around and realizes what she's done. She meekly climbs down from the table.]
Lois: Well, maybe next time you'll think better before criticizing other people's desserts.

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