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Quote from Hal in Malcolm's Car

Hal: You really have to snap those sheets if you want to get the hair off. Come on. Throw your fanny into it.
Reese: Dad, seriously, you got to stop talking like that.
Hal: Oh, I'm sorry. It's just so draining listening to all these people with their tawdry little secrets. Like that Paula woman, Fred's wife? Not only is she cheating on her husband, now she's two-timing on her golf instructor with her swing-dance teacher. She is learning new moves every night if you know what I'm talking about. She is so cold.
Stevie: Hey!
Hal: Stevie, please, we're talking.
[Stevie goes to the garage and opens the door]
Hal: And Sheila's husband Randy just got a new assistant. She's 19 years old and she doesn't even know how to type. The girl wears a halter top to the office. Halter tops? Hello? Dukes of Hazzard on line three. They want their costumes back.

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