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Quote from Francis in Kitty's Back

Dewey: Aren't you a little old for this?
Francis: Prepare to drink from the Chalice of Brotherhood.
Dewey: Something smells horrible. Is that the drip pan?
Francis: You're not supposed to know.
Dewey: I'm not drinking from that. It's disgusting.
Francis: Yes, it is disgusting, but it must be done.
Dewey: Oh, man. [splutters as he drinks]
Francis: Awesome, Dewey. You did it!
Dewey: I'm done?
Francis: You passed with flying colors. You are now a Full Brother. Now I would like to present to you the Cookie of Brotherhood.
Dewey: That's it?
Francis: What do you mean?
Dewey: I did all that crap for a stupid cookie?
Francis: It's a meaningful cookie. It's a symbol of something really cool and special, you little ingrate.
Dewey: It's a symbol of what an idiot I am.
Francis: You know nothing of fraternity and sacred rituals. Give me back my cookie. [eats cookie]

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