Marshall Quote #923

Quote from Marshall in The Burning Beekeeper

Ted: Robin here has spent all day learning how to make kugel. Couldn't figure it out. This is from Zabar's.
Robin: Can we heat it up in your oven?
Marshall: Faster than heating it up in the refrigerator. I've had a few cocktails.


 ‘The Burning Beekeeper’ Quotes

Quote from Robin

Ted: Okay, so what? I would rather be nice than be like you, always getting in fights about stuff that's not even worth fighting about.
Robin: Disagree. It's like Sun Tzu wrote in The Art of War, "Never give up. Never surrender."
Ted: That was Tim Allen in Galaxy Quest.
Robin: Whatever, dude.

Quote from Robin

Robin: Marshall, there is plenty of stuff that I don't get mad about, like the fact that you're serving pigs in blankets without hot mustard. I'm not the type of person to be driven crazy by a host who refuses to provide delicious hot mustard in which to dip my pigs in blankets! I'm the type of girl who... keeps her cool. Who keeps her cool.

Quote from Mickey

Mickey: You're going back to work? Sheez, Marshall, you are as busy as a... Oh, gosh, what are you as busy as?
Lily: Please don't talk about the bees.
Mickey: I was gonna say Nicolas Cage. That guy is in everything.