Robin Quote #687

Quote from Robin in Symphony of Illumination

Future Robin: [v.o.] So, kids, I settled in for a Christmas alone. I appreciated that Ted wanted to cheer me up, but honestly, it wasn't necessary. So I can't have kids. Big deal. This way there's no one to hold me back in life, no one to keep me from traveling where I want to travel, no one getting in the way of my career. If you want to know the truth of it, I'm glad you guys aren't real.
Robin: Really glad.


 ‘Symphony of Illumination’ Quotes

Quote from Robin

Lily: Are you okay?
Robin: Yeah, yeah, um, I guess this, um, this pole-vaulting thing is finally hitting me.
Lily: I don't get it, Robin. Did you really want to be a pole-vaulter?
Robin: No, no, I was, uh, I was always adamantly against having a, uh, a pole-vaulting career, even though it's
what most women want.
Lily: Most women want to be a pole-vaulter?
Robin: In Canada. It's very big up there. You know, it's, it's meet a nice guy, get married, vault some poles, but I... never wanted that. Of course, it's one thing not to want something. It's another to be told you can't have it. I guess it's, it's just nice knowing that you could someday do it if you changed your mind. But now, all of a sudden, that door is closed.
Lily: What about the one where you ski and shoot at the same time? That seems like something you'd be good at.

Quote from Future Ted

Future Ted: [v.o.] Kids, your Aunt Robin never became a pole-vaulter, but she did become a famous journalist, a successful businesswoman, a world traveler. She was even briefly a bullfighter. That's a funny story, I'll get to that one later. But there's one thing your Aunt Robin never was. She was never alone.

Quote from Robin

Future Robin: [v.o.] Kids, have I ever told you the story of how I met your father? Well, I'll just skip ahead to the moment I told him I was pregnant.
[flashback to Barney and Robin in the bathroom at Marshall and Lily's Long Island house:]
Barney: W... What happened? Did I pass out? Not exactly.
[a few seconds earlier:]
Robin: I'm pregnant.
Barney: Are you sure you're not just getting fat?
[Robin punches Barney; later:]
Barney: Oh, yeah. So, um, you're pregnant.
Robin: Yeah.
Barney: Huh. Looks like nobody told your boobs.
[Robin punches Barney again; later:]
Barney: What happened? Did I pass out?
Robin: Oh, my...
Barney: Please stop hitting me!