Marshall Quote #797

Quote from Marshall in Oh Honey

[flashback to Ted talking to Lily, Barney and Robin about Zoey:]
Lily: Are you sure it's love?
Ted: Remember the ketchup bottle? She wasn't the one who dropped it. When she reached for it, our fingers touched, and... I knew, right in that moment, this isn't friendship. This is love.
[present, Marshall on the phone with Robin:]
Marcus: Wuss.
Marshall: Marcus! This is a private conversation! [to Robin] So what'd the wuss do next?


 ‘Oh Honey’ Quotes

Quote from Marshall

Future Ted: [v.o.] Kids, after Uncle Marshall lost his father, he decided to stay home a while to take care of his mother. But the longer he stayed there, the more it was like he had never left Minnesota.
Marshall: [answering phone] Eriksen residence, Marshall speaking.
Robin: Oh, that is too cute. Say it again.
Marshall: No. It's called manners, jerk. Now, what's... What's going on in New York? Give me something.

Quote from Marshall

[Robin is on the phone with Marshall, telling him about Zoey's cousin Honey:]
Honey: My apartment building is so safe. My landlord he even installed a security camera in my shower.
Marshall: Oh, honey.
Honey: Maybe I should feel weird about giving a stranger my Social Security number, but the guy's a Nigerian prince.
Marshall: Oh, honey.
Honey: I just had a great TV audition. Behind the KFC where the executive producer works on the weekends.
Marshall: Oh, honey.
Honey: Long story short, I'm going to be on Lost.
Marshall: Oh, honey.

Quote from Robin

[flashback to the gang at MacLaren's where Zoey introduces Ted to her cousin:]
Zoey: Ted, this is my cousin...
Future Ted: [v.o.] Kids, to be honest, I don't quite remember this girl's name. None of us do, because as this story
has been told and retold, we've always just referred to her as...
Honey: Honey.
Ted: Hi, Honey, I'm Ted.
Future Ted: And here's why.
[present, Robin on the phone to Marshall:]
Robin: She is a lovely person... warm, intelligent, just kind of gullible. It's like, every word out of her mouth makes you want to be like, "Oh, honey".