Barney Quote #688

Quote from Barney in Miracles

[Barney is laying in a hospital bed with a broken arm, broken leg and broken neck:]
Ted: Dude, I... I can't believe you ran all the way up here.
Barney: Jeez. Flatter yourself much? [chuckles] What an ego on this guy. Um, I was up in this part of town because I had to attend a very important international business meeting. If you're here to come crawling back, just save it. I'm doing awesome without you. Even better now, 'cause I can play the sympathy card with the females. And B.T.W., there's one bone downstairs that ain't broken. Marshall, you know what I'm talking about. Up top! [wiggles the fingers in his broken hand] Hup!
Marshall: Are you sure?
Barney: Yeah, dude. Why do you think I had them set it this way?
Marshall: Okay. [high-fives Barney]
Barney: [groans] Ow! Worth it.


 ‘Miracles’ Quotes

Quote from Robin

Robin: Ugh, man, I love Springsteen! He's like the American Bryan Adams.

Quote from Barney

Barney: I had to look away because if I watched what the paramedics were about to do, I would have passed out. Then they took out this electric blade thing and I kept thinking, "This isn't happening. This isn't happening. "
Lily: Oh, my God. What did they cut?
Barney: My suit. My beautiful suit.

Quote from Barney

Lily: Is that the something bad? That she invited you to a wedding?
Ted: Six months from now. As in we'll be together six months from now. Do you guys remember Barney's whole thing about making plans in a relationship?
[flashback to the guys at MacLaren's:]
Ted: Fourth row.
Barney: Ted, no. You're violating the date-time continuum. You never make plans with a girl further in the future than the amount of time you've been going out. You've been dating this girl for, what, two weeks? No, you're not taking her to a Springsteen concert in January. [rips tickets] By that time you won't even remember this Robin girl's name.