Marshall Quote #1074

Quote from Marshall in Weekend at Barney's

Marshall: All right, I'll stay put, but I'm keeping my mouth shut. No more jokes, no more candy, no more Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Strickland Stevens: Hey, are you guys talking Ninja Turtles? I'm a huge TMNT fan. I grew up on those comic books.
Marshall: Me, too! I was obsessed.
Strickland Stevens: Did you know that the original comic debuted in 1984 at a convention in New Hampshire?
Marshall: Uh, yes. Did you know that Eastman and Laird always had their doubts about their characters being commercialized?
Strickland Stevens: Yes! Did you know that the painting on the back wall is inspired by Master Splinter?
Marshall: Oh, the one of the rat doing karate. I see it now.
Strickland Stevens: Hey, I'm Strickland.
Marshall: Hey. Marshall. And this is my wife, Lily, who, as a matter of fact, happens to represent one of the biggest art collectors in New York City.
Lily: I love your work. It's great to see you getting some recognition.
Strickland Stevens: Thank you. It's been a long haul. The first painting I ever sold, I used the money to get my car fixed. You might say... I used it to make my van go. [Lily and Strickland chuckle]


 ‘Weekend at Barney's’ Quotes

Quote from Barney

Marshall: This is the life. We got the three B's. Beach, booze and bodacious babes.
Ted: I don't know. I'm starting to think we should call the police.
Marshall: Oh, would you relax? We've got it made. One whole week at his bodacious beach house, no strings attached.
Ted: Well, there is one string attached.
Woman: Hi, Barney.
[Ted pulls a string to make Barney's arm wave]
Ted & Marshall: Bodacious.
[Barney jolts up in bed:]
Barney: "Weekend at Barney's!"
Robin: What is it? What's wrong?
Barney: The plays, Robin, the plays. The ingenious techniques I used as a bachelor to pick up busty dullards. They just keep coming to me, I can't turn them off.

Quote from Ted

Ted: Your wedding response card, as promised.
Robin: Why didn't you just mail it like everybody else?
Ted: Oh, see, that's sad, Robin. You should be touched that I hand-delivered it. Has social media so eroded our interpersonal relationships that we no longer wish to experience the...
Robin: You wanted to keep the stamp?
Ted: They're 46 cents now. It's getting out of hand.

Quote from Barney

Robin: Okay, Barney, let me ease your mind, okay?
Barney: All right, here we go.
Robin: Remember when you set your Playbook on fire? That was the moment I realized you were someone I could marry.
Barney: And I'd burn it again if I could. You're right. I'm done with all these plays. Besides, there's no way I'll ever come up with anything that tops "Weekend at Barney's".
[later, Barney jolts up in bed again:]
Barney: "Weekend at Barney's Two!"
Robin: Damn it, Barney!