Quote from The Mother in Bass Player Wanted
Marshall: Aldrin justice. Nice. The Mother: Your wife is cool. Marshall: Oh, the coolest. Hey, did she, um, happen to mention the fact that I'm sort of ruining her dream of moving to Italy? The Mother: Uh, yeah, that did come up. [flashback:] Lily: You need to steal this douche-monkey's van. And then run my husband over with it. [back:] The Mother: I think you've got a tough talk coming. Marshall: Yeah, well, so do you. When we get to the inn, you're gonna go in there and stand up to Darren. The Mother: Come on. I Aldrin-justiced him. Marshall: Yeah, but I bet you're just gonna give this van right back to him. I mean, were you at least gonna pee in it a little? The Mother: I was gonna gas it up and get it washed.