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Quote from Barney in The Stamp Tramp

Robin: That's it? T-shirts and beer cozies? That's disrespect, son! Here's what you do: Hit a few strip clubs in Jersey and Long Island.
Barney: Jersey? Long Island? Why would I go to a Third World nation to get my knob wobbled?
Robin: Well, you wouldn't. But when the clubs in the city hear you're sniffing around across the river, those beer cozies and T-shirts turn into Rolexes and fur coats. Especially from that strip club, Fur Coats.
Barney: Wow. That's genius. You're hired.
Robin: What do you mean?
Barney: I want you to be my strip club agent.
Robin: What is wrong with you?
Barney: Well, I just figured I'd ask...
Robin: No, I was talking to myself, because, for some reason, I really want to do that!

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