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Quote from Barney in The Burning Beekeeper

Barney: I shouldn't do this. I shouldn't do this.
Robin: What?
Barney: This is a bad idea. This is a bad idea!
Robin: What is?
Barney: I should just go. I should just go!
Robin: Okay, okay, just tell me what is going on.
Barney: I love my penis, Robin.
Robin: Oh, Barney, you promised.
Barney: I do! I love it! If I could kiss it, I would. I'd be lying if I told you I hadn't tried.
Robin: I'm not comfortable with this conversation.
Barney: Oh, come on, Robin, it's my penis we're talking about. You've seen her, she's magnificent.
Robin: She?
Barney: Every penis is a girl, Robin. Everyone knows that. Like... ships and lake monsters.

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