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Quote from Marshall in Noretta

Lily: I want to thank you, baby, for reminding me of [Marshall sees his father] what a vivacious woman I am.
Marshall: Yeah. No, uh, no need really.
Lily: Whoa, but I've been such a naughty girl. [Marvin] Maybe I need a spanking.
Marshall: Great. We'll... we'll just skip the board games [Lily sees Mickey] and get right down to me making love to you.
Lily: Oh... Okay, good, 'cause [Marvin] I'm gonna ride you like an unbroken stallion.
Marshall: Okay. [Mickey] Giddyup, cowgirl.
Lily: No, I can't go through with this!
Marshall: Thank God, me neither!
Lily: You're too much like my dad.
Marshall: You're too much like my dad.
Lily: Your dad?!

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