Quote from Robin in Of Course
Lily: Wait, you sicced Anita on Barney? How do you even know her? Robin: She was on my show. [flashback to Robin interviewing Anita:] Robin: But, um, if you had to summarize your book, in 30 words or less. Anita: I'll summarize it in one word, Robin. And that word is "no." By saying "no" constantly and consistently, you empower yourself while simultaneously turning any jerk into a submissive, sniveling, puddle of a man. Robin: Hmm. And isn't that every girl's dream. [chuckles] After the break, we're gonna talk about your new book, Of Course You Don't Have a Retirement Plan Yet. Take a Look at Yourself, You Dumb Slut. Due out in June. We'll be right back.