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Quote from Marshall in Jenkins

Marshall: Okay, I'll come clean! It all started a few weeks ago.
[flashback to Marshall being introduced to Jenkins at work:]
Blauman: By the way, four eyes, new lawyer. This is Jenkins. Watch out for this guy. He steals stuff.
Marshall: I don't steal stuff. And I don't wear glasses. I'm Marshall.
Jenkins: Hi, Marshall. So, are you really a Vikings fan, or was he lying about that, too?
Marshall: Why? Is this a trap? Are you a Packers fan? My wife knows I'm here. She doesn't have money, but what she does have is a very special set of skills.
Jenkins: I'm a Vikings fan, too. I bleed purple and gold. I'm from Pelican Rapids!
Marshall: Pelican Rapids? No way! My grandpa lives in Pelican Rapids. Well, I mean, he's dead now, but he haunts a barn off Route 108.

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