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Quote from Marshall in Jenkins

Lily: Hey, baby, what are you doing home?
Marshall: "Baby"? That's a name I don't deserve.
Lily: What?
Marshall: Jenkins kissed me. She kissed me. The other day she saw me play skee ball, and I don't know, I guess she caught some of the Big Fudge fever. But you have to know, I stopped it right away, and you're the only one for me, baby.
Lily: Oh, I see what this is. This is about the whole reacher-settler thing.
Marshall: Come again for Big Fudge?
Lily: You want to make me jealous, so you're making up a story about Jenkins.
Marshall: I'm not making this up! This happened! That woman kissed me, with tongue. Her tongue was in my mouth!
Lily: Sure it was.
Marshall: It was thick and rough, like a starfish arm!
Lily: I'm so jealous! I'm just gonna go over there and punch her right in the nose. Give her a knuckle sandwich! Come on, baby. You want some soup?
Marshall: It happened! Do you have any... split-pea left?

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