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Quote from Robin in Jenkins

Ted: Um. Excuse me for a second.
What are you doing here?
Robin: [loudly] I noticed you forgot something this morning, so I thought I'd bring it by. Your pen.
Ted: This is your pen. And you chewed on the end of this. Recently.
Robin: Not a problem, Ted. Your class was on my way to work...
Ted: No, it's not.
Robin: Come On, Get Up, New York, where I'm an anchor, so...
Betty: I watch your show all the time.
Robin: What? You watch the show? Oh! Well, paint me flattered! Any other fans out there?
[Lots of hands go up]
Ted: Okay, all right. Thanks for coming by, Robin.
Robin: Well, tune in tonight. I'm doing a great piece on snail poison. Also, who's got the worst pizza in New York? I'll give you the answer after traffic on the ones, threes, fives, and nines.

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