Robin Quote #447

Quote from Robin in Jenkins

Ted: Um. Excuse me for a second.
What are you doing here?
Robin: [loudly] I noticed you forgot something this morning, so I thought I'd bring it by. Your pen.
Ted: This is your pen. And you chewed on the end of this. Recently.
Robin: Not a problem, Ted. Your class was on my way to work...
Ted: No, it's not.
Robin: Come On, Get Up, New York, where I'm an anchor, so...
Betty: I watch your show all the time.
Robin: What? You watch the show? Oh! Well, paint me flattered! Any other fans out there?
[Lots of hands go up]
Ted: Okay, all right. Thanks for coming by, Robin.
Robin: Well, tune in tonight. I'm doing a great piece on snail poison. Also, who's got the worst pizza in New York? I'll give you the answer after traffic on the ones, threes, fives, and nines.


 ‘Jenkins’ Quotes

Quote from Robin

Barney: Does she really say "but, um" that much?
Future Ted: [v.o.] That night, we found out just how much she said it.
[As Ted and Barney stay up to watch Robin's show]
Robin: [on TV] Oh, that's great, but, um...
Ted: "But, um."
Barney: Nice.
Robin: This wasn't your first spelling bee, was it?
Kid: Nope. Third.
Robin: Oh! Good for you, but, um... [cut] But, um. [cut] But, um. [cut] But, um... But, um... But, um... [cut] But, um... But, um... [cut] But, um... But, um... But, um... [cut] But, um... But, um... But, um...
[Drunk Barney and Ted laugh hysterically]

Quote from Ted

Ted: These are just a few of the many contributions he made to architecture, and yet, he is only remembered for one thing. That, my friends, is the sad legacy of Gregorio Francetti Gazebo.

Quote from Robin

Ted: Okay, we're just gonna have a nice low-key class today. Not a lot of talking. No loud noises.
Robin: Sup, guys.
[All groan]
Ted: No, no, no, no, no. Please, just go away.
Robin: I just wanted to drop by and say... [siren blares] Thanks for watching, Come on, Get Up, New York! Whoo!
[exits, returns] But, um!