Quote from Lily in Rally
Lily: Ugh. I second Marshall's vow. I will never ever get that drunk again. Future Ted: [v.o.] Yeah, she would. [flashfoward to Wesleyan University in 2030:] Lily: My baby boy's in college. Did you pack enough undies? Marvin: Yes, Mom. Shh. Marshall: Your father did a lot of puking in these hallowed halls, from binge studying. Saved it. Lily: That reminds me, mister, no underage drinking. No good comes from hanging out in bars and getting drunk. Marvin: But every story from your 20's starts in a bar. Marshall: Listen to your mother. Lily: Aw... What are we gonna do without you in the house? [later, at a bar:] Lily: We got him out of the house. Drink up. Mm. Whoo! Oh, boy. [Marvin walks into the bar] Marvin: You son of a bitch. Lily: You son of a me.