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Quote from Ted in Sunrise

[flashback to a few days earlier:]
Ted: [on the phone] Because, as you may recall, I'm kind of the wedding gift master.
Stella: Okay, I'm gonna stop you. Do you not hear how weird this all sounds?
Ted: What part of this is weird?
Stella: You're going to your ex-girlfriend's wedding.
Ted: It's not weird at all.
Stella: Where you'll be the best man...
Ted: Utterly not weird.
Stella: And now, less than a week before the wedding, you're calling the woman who left you at the altar and moved three time zones away on the razor-thin chance that I somehow ended up with her grandmother's locket?
Ted: You know what's weird, Stella? Not seeing Star Wars until you're 30.
Stella: You're trying to blow up the wedding.
Ted: You called C-3PO "the Tin Man."
Stella: He is made of tin!
Ted: It's Tatooine scrap metal! This is not an argument you are gonna win. Now, do you have the locket or not?
Stella: [scoffs] Look, I might have it somewhere in one of my old boxes in our storage locker, but even if I did, I cannot get out there this week. I'm totally swamped.

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