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Quote from Marshall in Tailgate

Marshall: Lily, this is 200 pages of detailed accounts about Bigfoot, ghosts, aliens abducting people from their beds and probing them. I'm going to read it to Baby Eriksen at night-night.
Lily: You really want to read our kid bedtime stories about monsters?
Marshall: First of all, I wouldn't use the "M" word. Only they can call themselves that. And secondly, are you really saying you don't want to raise our child as a believer?
Lily: I don't want to brainwash our child to believe in something with no proof.
Marshall: It's not about proof; it's about faith. Faith is what gives life shape and meaning. I mean, if there aren't yetis or leprechauns, what's the point of even getting up in the morning?
Lily: I don't know. Wife, unborn child, drop a deuce?
Marshall: Lily, don't you think it's a bit narcissistic not to allow for something bigger than us out there? Something whose beauty and power and majesty humbles us?
Lily: God?
Marshall: Werewolves.

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