Quote from Lily in Noretta
Marshall: Okay, game play. Roll the die to see who goes first, forfeit a turn on a pass, intended for two-to-six players. Future Ted: [v.o.] As Marshall explained the many rules of Chutes and Lilies, Lily thought back to what Kevin said in the bar. [flashback to the gang at MacLaren's:] Kevin: It's perfectly normal to wind up with someone like your parents. Future Ted: And then she thought of the only other man she knew who loved board games that much. [alternating flashbacks between Mickey and Marshall:] Mickey: I brought Diseases! Marshall: Marshgammon. Mickey: Dog Fight Promoter! Marshall: Lilial Pursuit. [fantasy, Lily sees her father when she looks at Marshall:] Marshall: And that's how you play the game. Oh, wait. I forgot to tell you what happens if I land on "community chest." Honk-honk. [laughs]