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Quote from James in Noretta

James: It's not that I don't like her. It's just... She's our mom.
Ted: What do you mean, she's your mom?
James: Everything about her is vaguely our mom-like. The British accent...
[flashback to earlier at MacLaren's:]
Nora: Hello again, my darlings.
James: [v.o.] Mom's obsessed with Julie Andrews, so when we were growing up...
[flashback to Staten Island, 1983:]
Loretta: Hello again, my darlings.
[flashback to Nora hugging Barney at the bar:]
Nora: Come here, you.
James: [v.o.] And the way she hugs him. Left hand on the nape of the neck, three gentle strokes on the back with the right?
[flashback to Loretta hugging Barney as a child:]
Loretta: Come here, you.
James: [v.o.] Trademark Loretta Stinson. But here's the clincher...
[alternating flashbacks between Nora at the bar and Loretta in 1983:]
Nora: Guess what, my sweet boy.
Loretta: Guess what my sweet boy.
Nora: I've got a special treat for you tonight.
Loretta: I've got a special treat for you tonight.
Young Barney: Ice cream!
James: They're coming. Be cool.

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