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Quote from Ted in Sandcastles in the Sand

Barney: I'm sorry, Simon. Here we are nattering on about our big celebrity. What do you do for a living?
Simon: Oh, I work at the Splish Splash Ottawa Water Slide Park.
Ted: Huh! A water slide park. That sure is different than what Robin does.
Simon: Yeah, it is, because I save lives. If I'm not sitting in that stool at the top of the slide, going... "[raises hand] Go, [raises hand] go, [raises hand] go." people die. What, you think it's so easy? You try it.
Ted: Um... [clears his throat)... okay. Go.
Simon: You didn't put your hand up. Kid just died.
Ted: No, I didn't know...
Simon: Another kid just went. He died, too.
Ted: Oh, well, sure. I mean, if I was actually...
Simon: Another kid just went; now you've got a pile-up and Robin's got something to report on the news. This just in: My friend, Ted, just killed a bunch of kids today.

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