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Workshop 'Til You Drop

‘Workshop 'Til You Drop’

Season 6, Episode 3 - Aired October 1, 1996

After Bud's marriage falls apart, Tim agrees to join Jill at a couples' workshop.

Quote from Tim

Jill: I've been thinking a lot about what you said at the workshop.
Tim: I know, I know. You're mad at me and you're right. I went overboard and I unloaded on you unfairly. I was... I was just showing off for Howie and the guys.
Jill: No, look. You're not the one who should be apologizing.
Tim: Why not? I'm wrong, right?
Jill: No! Oh, God. I criticize you so much you think everything's your fault.
Tim: I'm sorry.
Jill: Please stop apologizing and let me apologize.
Tim: Whoa. You're gonna apologize? You better walk me through this 'cause this is uncharted territory.


Quote from Jill

Jill: I'm sorry.
Tim: Apology accepted.
Jill: No, I'm not finished yet.
Tim: Wow. This is new territory.
Jill: I am too critical of you. I don't want to be the kind of wife who complains about everything her husband does.
Tim: Come on, come on, come on. We both have our faults, all right? Sometimes I leave my underwear on the floor. Sometimes you're bossy, overbearing, you nag a little bit. You're neurotic, you criticize...
Jill: Tim! Now I know why it's taken so long for me to do this.
Tim: No, no, you did fine. You're not real good at this and you'll get better at it.
Jill: Well, what did I leave out?
Tim: Well, generally, when I apologize, I give you a kiss. [Jill kisses Tim] You know, you're gonna be a good apologizer. It takes some time. Pretty soon you'll be as good as me. You'll be able to say you're sorry and not really mean it.

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