Tim Quote #2164

Quote from Tim in Future Shock

[dream sequence:]
Jill: I'm home from school. [groaning] Tim, I can't get my backpack off.
Tim: Don't worry, honey. Your fit and virile husband will give you a hand. [slides down the banister, back flips over to Jill] Easy does it, old girl.
Jill: Thank you, honey. Thank you.
Tim: So, how was school today?
Jill: I don't know. I never got there. By the time I got dressed and put my backpack on, school was over.
Tim: How much time did you give yourself to get ready?
Jill: Well, I put my sweater on last Tuesday. I buttoned it Wednesday. I remembered I forgot my underwear Thursday. And then I had to start all over again. Let's face it, Tim. I'm a broken-down old hag and you're a perfect physical specimen.
Tim: It's not too late, honey. Just start a routine like mine. Fifty thousand push-ups... We'll weight train you. You can do it around the house. Just lift with your legs. [straining]
Jill: Oh. You are an inspiration. I don't know how you stayed with me after the way I've let myself go.
Tim: It's just the kind of guy I am.
Jill: There are thousands of younger, sexier women who would be thrilled to have you.
Tim: And I'd be thrilled to have them. But no matter how pathetic you look, no matter how fabulous I look, I'll never leave you.
Jill: Well, God bless you and your routine.


 ‘Future Shock’ Quotes

Quote from Tim

Jill: Tim, why can't you just eat breakfast and then shower?
Tim: If I eat breakfast early, I'll be hungry when I get to work. Then I'll have a snack and push lunch way back.
Jill: So?
Tim: Come on. Follow me here. If I push lunch back I won't eat dinner till late. I'll go to bed bloated, feel uneasy and won't sleep. I'll be too tired to go to work. Al will have to do Tool Time. Ratings will plummet. We'll lose the show, lose our jobs, lose our money, lose our house, be in a cardboard box on the freeway. If you think taking a shower is worth that...
Jill: Oh, just go!

Quote from Tim

[dream sequence:]
Tim: Hey, Wilson?
Wilson: Well, hidey-ho, there, studly neighbor.
Tim: Today at Tool Time, Al and Heidi quit.
Wilson: Uh, mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Tim: Do you have any words of wisdom for me?
Wilson: Well, Tim, nothing of any significance. I've been giving you advice for so many decades, I'm at the bottom of the barrel. Barrel. How about this? More fun than a barrel of monkeys.
Tim: That- That- That doesn't help me very much.
Wilson: Uh... um, "monkey see, monkey do".
Tim: You gotta do better than this. I mean, getting advice from you is one of my routines.
Wilson: Well, it's your routine that sucked me dry.
Tim: Come on. You gotta have something.
Wilson: Well, let's try this one on for size. There was an old woman who lived in a shoe. She got sick of your routine and I did, too. [Wilson has a shoe on his head]

Quote from Delores

Marty: Oh, listen. If Tim is anything like Bob, he'll never change. Every night it's the same. Seven o'clock: "Where's the food?" Seven-oh-five: "You call that food?" Seven-fifteen: "Why'd you let me eat so much food?"
Jill: Tim does all that. Then he opens his pants, sticks out his gut, and belches.
Delores: Nobody is more set in his ways than Harry. Every Saturday night at 11:30 after the sports report, he wakes me up and asks the same question: "You want to do it?"
Marge: And they say romance is dead.
Delores: It's been that way for 25 years. I wish he could be a little more spontaneous and skip a Saturday every once in a while.